A Questionable "How-to" Article

I recently came across this article about "how to do a natural, no makeup look." Wait, does that make sense? It has instructions on how put on makeup to look as though you don't have any makeup on. Under the title it says, "Expert tips for fresh, flawless makeup that looks, well, like you're not wearing makeup." That made me think. So I clicked through the instructions. On almost each slide, it had a product and suggestions on how to apply it. If someone bought all these said products, they would spend over $192 on trying to look as though they are au natural. It seems so silly. That says a lot about our society and media and how beauty is defined. I found these tips on the Real Simple website. I think the most simple way to do a natural, no makeup look is by… not wearing makeup. Simple, right? Go ahead and try it sometime. You'll save time, money and might even gain some self respect. It can be liberating to go out without makeup. You're beautiful, never forget that.